
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Classroom Tour Update!

Two weeks ago I shared a few pictures from my classroom as I started decorating and setting things up.    You can read more about that by clicking {HERE}. Last Friday before I left the school after my 13 hour work day, I remembered to snap a few more pictures.

 Our Book Nook. The little tub in the corner is missing the stuffed animals that can be their reading buddies. I haven't washed them yet.

 Pocket Chart and Poetry Work Station.  I use this in place of "ready to a buddy" during Daily 5. It also has Cara's fabulous numbers!! You can find them {HERE}. That black stack of drawers on the right doesn't have a purpose yet, but someone was getting rid of it and I couldn't pass it up!

 View from the back of the classroom.

 View from the back corner.

Our table caddies.  (Right now they are not stocked.  They will get supplies as we learn how to use them. )

  View from the pocket chart work station.

On these shelves I will store word work and writing station supplies as we introduce those stations.  Right now they are pretty much empty. DeBug is there in the background.  Find him {HERE}.

 View from the door.

Behind the rocking chair is where most of our data will be posted.  This is from my Kindergarten Sight Word Gumballs set that you can find {HERE}.
 Close up of my bulletin board. It will have our math anchor charts.

This is where we will post our writing anchor charts.

Where all the action takes place! :)

 I am just now realizing that the beautiful carpet didn't make it into these pictures!!

Cubbies and my awesome storage area!!

Word wall and numbers.  I decided that if I hung them with clothes pins, that was less I had to take off the wall at the end of the year! You can find my word wall cards {HERE} and my number posters {HERE}.

Area behind my small group table.

This is above my work station storage and rotation charts.  I forgot to take a picture of the area! My color posters are found {HERE}.

This is what you see on your way out the door! 

That's about it! There are more things to show and I'm sure they will pop up sometime in the future as I share what goes on in our classroom. :)

I'm off to pack my lunch and enjoy some ice cream before the big day tomorrow!! I hope you have a wonderful week!!

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  1. Your room looks amazing and so you :). I love the clothes line idea. I still have to hang my alphabet cards and I was having a hard time deciding how to hang it, I might have to borrow your idea :).

    The Learning Chambers

  2. Thanks for sharing! Your room is organized and a fun place for learning.


  3. Looks great! Just curious-what is the view from your window?

  4. Your room looks so welcoming and peaceful! Thanks for sharing!! I especially like the idea of using clothespins to hang your numbers--super smart.

    Happy first day of school! :)
    Little Miss Primary

  5. Are your whiteboards magnetic- so jealous!!! Wishing you the best this year!

    1. Yes, they are!!! They used to be chalkboards so they just have a white board overlay. It no longer is very strong magnetically. :( Does that make you feel better? HA!

  6. Seriously, such a cute room! I love your math and writing board!

  7. Your room is super, super cute!!! I wish I had seen your bulletin boards BEFORE I put mine up, I would've totally copied!! ha!!

  8. Your classroom looks SO good! There is a lot for me to pin! :) I love your writing bulletin board. I need to copy that for my classroom. Adorable!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. Thank you, Sarah!!! You are always so sweet!! :) That means a lot to me!!

  9. Hi Mrs. Richardson,
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your behavior management chart with the clips. Is it possible for me to get a copy of the exact one you are using? Also, how do you report home the students daily behaavior? I appreciate your help.
    Thanks so much,
    Megan Siegel

    1. Hi Megan! My sweet friend Haley made the behavior clip chart. You can snag it FOR FREE on her blog. Here is the link. Also, I just use a calendar that stretches enough for the whole 6 weeks to send home and report behavior. I mark a smiley face for each day using the color of marker that correlates with their clip on the clip chart that day. Hope this helps! Have a great evening!

  10. Thank you for some great ideas. I am going back to teaching after many years and was looking for some simple ideas for my sixth grade English Language Arts class. These ideas can be used at any level. Thank you.
