
Monday, August 19, 2013

Sweet New Friends and Some Shopping!

Yesterday I had the best time getting to hang out with some wonderful gals as we chatted about everything under the sun!

I think the North Texas bloggers have got it going on, y'all! We had a wonderful turn out and it was a total blast!

I got to meet new friends who I have stalked in Instagram, blogs, and Facebook!

I finally got this meet this great gal face-to-face who gets all the credit for encouraging me as I began my TpT adventure in July of 2012! She has been such a blessing!

There were so many sweet gals that I loved getting to meet in person, but I am horrible about taking pictures.  That needs to change, I admit! We MUST do this again!!!

Now I'm off to finish my shopping in the Back to School Sale that is going on over on TpT right now!!

Here are a few things I have in my store to help you out with your back to school adventure!

I hope you have a wonderful week filled with new sweet faces or SUPER fun professional development!! :)

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  1. I meant to come down to the other end of the table and say hi yesterday! I teach Kinder in north Fort Worth. I just bought your Gearing up for Math workshop pack. Can't wait to use it this year!!

  2. Amanda,

    It was so nice to meet you yesterday! Thanks for coming!
    Your TpT stuff looks so cute :)

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store

  3. Too much fun!!! Bummed I couldn't make this get together--I would have loved to meet all of y'all!! I am already looking forward to the next! :)

    Thanks for sharing pictures! Happy back to school!!
    Little Miss Primary

  4. I am so glad I got to finally meet you! I had a great time! We must do it again soon!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade
