
Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Survived Week 1!

I think that as teachers we spend from October to mid-August forgetting how exhausting the first week of school usually is.  All last week I would come home and be in my pajamas on the couch by 8 o'clock.  As a matter of fact, my husband even said to me last week as we were getting in the car to go home from dinner, "Okay, grandma. It's 6:30. You're going to have to wake up!" I gave him the "you have no idea how many times I repeated myself and how bad my feet hurt" look.

Despite my tired self, I woke up every morning excited for a new day with my sweet kindergarten friends!  I have a super class again this year and I can't wait to watch them grow!

We took first day of school pictures using this little banner that I made.

I LOVE how they turned out!

We had a broken AC unit so thankfully after a kind man from central office walked in to see how our day was going and his first words were, "Excuse me, is it always this hot in here?" he quickly got us a portable AC unit. Boy, was I thankful for him walking in! He got things done PRONTO! By the end of the first day, our AC was fixed.

We discussed behavior and expectations for most of the week.  Can I get an "amen"?

We read several books each day.  They may be squirmy, but they would sit and listen when I would read a book!

We created self portraits to start our writing portfolios. I must say, I have some great little artists this year! I was so impressed with their self portraits!
I snagged this freebie from a fabulous kindergarten Facebook Hop this summer. I can't find the file on my computer so if you know who created it, PLEASE tell me! I want her to get credit! 

We ended our week with creating our own kissing hands to give to our moms and dads.

This poem is a part of my Back to School Read Aloud Activities found {HERE}.

That's about all for now. I'm off to start creating. I have a list of things I want to get started on! Oh, how I am LOVING being back in kindergarten!!!!! It just makes my heart pitter-patter!

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  1. Wow...that is some service! I have never seen an AC unit like that! I feel you on the grandma issues! Back to school tired is serious! Enjoy some relaxation this weekend!
    Two Friends In First

  2. I COMPLETELY agree with the repeating-yourself-and-achy-feet feeling! It's amazing how easy that is to forget over the course of a school year and summer, but boy oh boy! Remembrance hits hard in August, doesn't it???? Hope you get back into the swing of things soon! I love your picture banner!!!

  3. That banner is precious! So glad that your AC was fixed ASAP!
    I hope week #2 is just as awesome with your kiddos! :)

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store
