
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth Day and a Writing Freebie!

We have been up to all kinds of great fun in our class this week so far! With Monday being Earth Day, we hit the ground running!

We read one of my FAVORITE books, Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel.

We then got busy on our Earth Day writing and crayon resists.  Didn't they turn out precious?!

We first drew our earths and colored the green part. Then I gave them their little sticker picture and they stuck it on their paper and drew their body.  This part cracked me up! After that we painted the blue water with watered down tempera paint.  We then cut them out separately and pieced them back together as we glued them on black paper. We added our writing beside it and SHA-ZAM!, DONE!

Grab the writing paper we used {HERE} for free!

This was a group think project that we came up with the last 10 minutes of planning time on Monday! But I LOVE it when we do things like this and they are turn out great! 

We also started our little Earth Day necklaces! I got this idea from a great teacher friend from my old school that I miss dearly!! You know...the kind that you would team teach with any day!! (Shout out to Jewels!!)

We mixed soil and glue.  Yes, it was a mess.  Yes, I did this on a STATE testing day...but my little friends LOVED it!!

I put soil in their little cups, the covered them with glue.

I gave them a popsicle stick and they stirred, stirred, stirred!

Once it was in a blob-ish type form, we used our hands to roll it a bit.

We then placed them on a paper plate to dry over night.
Tomorrow comes paint! I know they are excited to finish them and I am too! It's been a favorite in the past!

Here's to one more day of keeping these kiddos quiet while those big kids test!! :)  Have a great week!!


  1. Love your kids holding up the Earth! Super cute!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. Thanks! :) I'm pretty sure it's pinterest inspired, but I couldn't find the pin AT ALL last night so I could give credit where credit is due!

  2. I love that art project! Looks like your student gave himself some crazy big muscles adorable!
