
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Little Bit of This and That...and a Giveaway!!

As usual, we were very busy this week! With Earth Day, measuring length, and Thomas Edison we had plenty to keep us busy!!

First, I will show you an update on the little earth necklaces I talked about {HERE}. Yesterday we painted them and they will spend the weekend drying.  Monday we will just add string and sha-zam! They will be complete!

In math this week we measured using non-standard units of measurement.  We began with just comparing lengths and talked about how the ends all needed to be lined up.  We cut strips of paper and glued them in our math journals from longest to shortest. 

We then measured with two different units to learn that when we measure with something larger, we get a smaller number.  When we measure with something smaller, we get a larger number. 

We then did a little bit of measuring with our marshmallow peep rulers.  This is from my Math with My "Peeps" math station pack.  The kids LOVED it! They rotated about every minute so it kept them engaged and on the move!

We finished the week with tracing our bodies and measuring them using two different units of measurement.  

After all of this work, I let them color them! They LOVED this and they did a fantastic job! I forgot to snap a picture after I hung them all out in the hallway.  I will have to share that next week! 

In Social Studies this week we focused on inventions and inventors! We learned about Thomas Edison! They were really glued to every piece of information I had to share about him! We started with a time line of his life.  

We then created our own mini-book about Mr. Edison.  
(picture above it before the book pages were cut in half)

We also made a flip book from my NEW unit!! 
{click the picture above to check it out!}

Now for a giveaway!! This little unit is probably one of my favorites I have created so far! I want to give it away to one lucky winner! Enter below for a chance to win!!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am off to enjoy some shopping after a crazy morning of cleaning!!


  1. Looks like a great unit! Would love to win!

  2. This is so cool. We study him as part of our reading series. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

    1. Oh how funny that he is in your reading series! I think we had Alexander Graham Bell (whose product is in the works currently!).

  3. I absolutely love ALL your math ideas and how you introduce them. Thanks for sharing!!

    For the Love of First Grade

    1. Girl, my teammate is AWESOME and so some of this is me, but most of it is her or her's with my little twist on it! She really does a great job. I just love sharing ideas and getting ideas from others. Anything to spice up CSCOPE!

  4. Super cute! I love the timeline. Perfect for sequencing events. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

    1. Yes, definitely! It was funny because my little friends kept saying. "How do you KNOW all of this?!?!" While I wanted to let them think I was a genius, I decided to remind them that teachers have to do research before they teach, too! ha ha! :)

  5. You always make such great products. I love all of your science foldables. We use C-Scope at our school and these are perfect. I know you designed them for your first grade classroom, but they have been a lifesaver in my 2nd grade class as well. Have a great weekend.

    1. I am so happy to hear that!!! I am so glad that they help you out in the crazy world of CSCOPE!

  6. This looks awesome! It would go great with my reading series!

    1. You aren't the first person who has said that it goes along with your reading series! How funny! :)
