
Monday, February 23, 2015

A Little Ice and Birds

Well we woke up this morning to some ice and a bit of white on the roofs.  This is our first time with this weather this winter.  Can ya'll believe school is canceled?

I saw this floating around on Facebook last night and it's just funny.  This is how we operate.  We don't know how to drive in weather like this so it's best that we just all stay home! I give you permission to laugh with me. :) 

Moving on…

I have been working hard to finish up my All About Birds unit! Take a peak inside!

You find all of this and more in this mini-unit.

Right now you have a chance to win this over on my Facebook page! Be sure to hop over there and enter the giveaway!
Click the image above to go enter now!

I'm off to make lunch and enjoy the rest of this day snuggled up with my little guy!

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