
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Staying Organized

We are almost half way through the month.  A common resolution for the year is always to get organized in one way or another. Maybe it's your classroom, your closet, your bedroom, the garage, or your mail pile--being organized just makes us all feel better!

But staying organized…that's when it gets tough.  I get busy or overwhelmed with something else so I end up ignoring the growing "to file pile" in my classroom.

You get it, right?

I want to share some tips to help you STAY organized in your classroom.

That's right.  Give every item a home.  If you don't have a home for it, get rid of it.  Can't find a place to  store it? Chunk it. Less is more. 

Here is a picture from above my cabinets. Everything had a home. If I didn't have anymore room in the tub for an item that went there, I either chunked it or something else. 

What's in that tub? Can't remember? Can't remember where the home is for that item? Label it.  One of my favorite things to do is put things in tubs and label them. 

Here is a picture of my cabinets in my classroom with everything labeled, even inside the cabinets. 

You organize and try to stay that way to simplify your life, right? Simplify your things, too.   Otherwise we become overwhelmed when we makes things too complicated. We have all been there! (See my One Word Resolution post.)

Create a system and stick to it! The process needs to remain simple. Maybe every Friday you file your "To File Pile", or you always make the copies for the following week on Thursday to help stay ahead and well planned. When you add something, you take something out maybe.  In order for something to stay, something must go.  (I have friends who have that system with their closet.) Whatever your system may be that works best for you, try your best to keep it.  Not only does it feel good to check things off of the "To-Do" list, but you also will feel better because you will remain organized! 

What are YOUR tips and tricks for staying organized? I'd love to hear them!  

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  1. Teacher should get discounts on all storage containers! It's the only way to keep us organized and sane!

  2. Great tips! Time to go get more storage containers!! :)

    First Grade Smiles
