
Monday, December 29, 2014

One Word Resolution

I'm linking up with Primary Powers today to share my One Word Resolution.


That's what I want to do this year and in all aspects of my life. 

Blogging. My home. Cooking meals. Spending time with others. 

I tend to stress out about silly little things and if I could just simplify them, they wouldn't be that big of a deal. There is no reason that my blog post has to be extreme.  There is no reason that I have to have all of the clothes, home decor items, or "things" that I do have.  Get rid of "stuff".  There is no reason we can't eat the same 5 meals every week until we are tired of them.  There is no reason that when people come over I have to have a spotless home and dessert made when I could be spending time with everyone instead. 

Simplifying my life is my resolution.  Less stress makes for a happier mommy and wife! 

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  1. That's an awesome resolution! Get a slow cooker and a house cleaner for sure :)

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First

    1. House cleaner….man, that'd be nice. I need to find a way to work that into the budget!

  2. Simplify is so simple and yet such a strong word. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do! But SO worth it when you can apply it properly. Enjoy your year of simplicity!

    1. Yes, strong indeed. :) Here's to a year of more strength in the simple things. :)

  3. Yes!!! This is such a powerful resolution. This was my goal for 2014, and it has been so empowering! I always feel better when I keep life simple. Good luck this year!
    Adventures of a Schoolmarm

    1. That is so encouraging to hear!! Thanks so much!! I hope you have a wonderful year! :)

  4. I feel like I do every year in some form or fashion, but I don't ever sit and reflect at the end of the year to see how I did. This year, simplify is my theme. A theme sounds less intimidating than a "resolution". Ha! :)

  5. Simplify. What a great word and admonishment. Simplify. It doesn't even need anything else to explain it. I might adopt this word too.

  6. I chose the same word. Easier said than done, right? Good luck on your goal!On the Go Teacher Mama

  7. Are we related? I have a tendency to complicate even the most basic things. :)
    Your words have served as a reminder to me today and I needed to hear them! Thank you and Happy New Year!
