
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Let's Chat About Christmas

I'm linking up with Abby over at The Inspired Apple.  (If you guys haven't checked out her new blog design, you are missing out. It's totally presh!)

Anyway, we are talking Christmas today!

Head on over and join the fun! It's a quick and easy!! :)  
Merry Christmas!!

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  1. I ALMOST said Christmas Shoes--ha! I actually haven't heard it yet this year but I bet I will now!

    The Sassy Sub

  2. Ah!! I forgot: CHRISTMAS SHOES…and, MARY, DID YOU KNOW?! (ssssshhhhh, don't tell anyone!) Ha! Here's to NOT hearing that song anymore ;) Merry Christmas, sweet friend!!!! xxoo

  3. LOL about Christmas Shoes!! No one needs that emotional roller coaster at Christmas!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel
