
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Back to School #selfie

Hey ya'll! Good morning!! I'm getting in some sweet time blogging while little man is still asleep.  He is growing SO much!! Just LOOK!

Back to school things...I'm so excited to share this little creation! With all the #selfie craziness that there is, I KNEW I wanted to make something that could be used in the classroom during back to school time.

Teaching rules and procedures can get really boring.  You do it once, then again, then again, then again, then you practice one more time.  I do, however, completely agree with taking the time to set these expectations. I just want it to be more fun!

I created some pages that the kids can use to draw a #selfie of them doing the procedure correctly!  Here's a look!

I also created a mini-book that the kids could do individually or a class book that they could all work on together! You can take a closer look, see my other ideas, and peek at what all is included by clicking the picture below! 

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