
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Preparing for My Long Term Sub and a Giveaway!

As you know by now I am a new mommy to a sweet little guy! When I found out I was pregnant not only did I praise God for the miracle of life he had created, but I also was SO thankful that I wasn't going to have to miss a lot of school.  I like to have control of my classroom (Can I get an "AMEN"?) and letting someone else watch over my babies and be in charge of teaching them wasn't what I really wanted.

I ended up having a FABULOUS sub for 9 days. (9 long days in my mind.)  Preparing for her was tough! She was going to have to go through our Kindergarten Graduation, End of Year Party, Award Ceremony, and deal with crazy end of year behavior on top of all of that.  I knew I had to have it all in place for her.

One of the best tools I created and left for her was my Sub Binder.  (I recently changed it from mint and coral to have a chevron flair, and I love it even more!)

Take a peak!!

Here is the best part of the little update!!

God knew exactly what I needed.  I had my last day with my students and 2 hours later (as I was packing up my classroom) early labor started.  By Sunday night I was at the hospital and our precious Canaan Luke was born!

Do you think this would be a great tool for your classroom?? Enter below for a chance to WIN!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can't wait?? You can grab it HERE!

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