
Monday, June 17, 2013

Fabulous Feedback!

It's summer time and for me, this is the perfect time to catch up on blog reading, Pinteresting (is that even a verb?? I just made it one!), and relaxing!

The fabulous Christina Bainbridge had the brilliant idea to host a Fabulous Feedback linky!

Here's the deal.  I will pick two people who have left Fabulous Feedback on two products.  You get to read it and see what others are thinking.

Here's the best part.  If it's YOUR feedback, you get a FREE product!!! 

First up...
This feedback meant a lot to me because it came from a parent!  She also had great questions which made me add more to my product.  Thank you, Websurfin1girl!!

Check out my DeBug mini-unit {HERE}.

Next up...
 I love the flip books just as much as her, but they are a booger to create! It's so rewarding to know that now only teachers, but students love them, too!! Thanks, Cherrie!!

Check out my Science Flip Books {HERE}.

Ladies, be sure and email me at ryanandamandajoATgmailDOTcom to receive a similar product of your choice!!

I'm off to check out what others are saying about great products through the linky!! Have a great week!!

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