
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bloglovin' and a Facebook FREEBIE!

I'm sure many of you have heard that Google Reader is going away.  When I found this out in the Spring, I about lost it! That is the only way I read blogs.  I use it to search them, keep up with them, mark which ones I have read and haven't read, etc.

As of July 1st, Google Reader is DONE-ZOH!

Don't worry, though. Bloglovin' has come to the rescue!!

To make sure that you are still a follower and get all of the updates, click that button right over there to the right to follow me through Bloglovin'.

When you sign up, it will automatically transfer all of your blogs from Google Reader over.  It's super great!! Take some time and go over and check it out, ya'll!! I seriously love it!! Maybe even more than Google Reader! (Shhhhhhhh....don't tell!)

Now for the Facebook FREEBIE!!

Remember this from last year?

After several requests to share my bird template, I created this little FREEBIE for you to grab.

Here's the catch, it's only free for my Facebook Fans! Be sure to "like" my Facebook page and then you will be able to grab it! :) Easy-peesy!

Click the image above to go to my Facebook page.

Have a wonderful day!!

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1 comment:

  1. I just posted pretty much the same thing! I like being able to see stats on BlogLovin'.

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