
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Measuring Up!

The last few weeks we have been measuring in math! We have measured and compared length, area, and weight. Here is a peek at how we have done some things.

Week 1 we compared length.  You can read more about this {HERE}.

Week 2 we compared area of 2D objects.  I cut out house shapes from construction paper.  The kids worked in groups to measure the area of their house using cubes.

We then compared them and created our Area Street, where houses are in order from least area to greatest area!

Week 3 we measured and compared the weight of objects. We did a ton of exploring with the balance scale, which, as you know, is just AWESOME to them!! They love to see it plop to the floor as you put in a heavier object in there.

At the end of the week I put all of my friends in small groups and they each got to pick an object to weigh and compare. We used teddy bears to measure the weight. We discussed that if you measure with something bigger, you get a less number. If you measure with something smaller, you get a greater number!

They then had to order their objects from lightest to heaviest.

Simple activities, but they were a hit!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend! I am spending time in Galveston for the weekend celebrating my counsin's graduation! Have fun and relax this weekend!!


  1. FUN!!! We are heading into measurement on Monday. Thanks for the great ideas! :0

    Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes

    1. I am so glad you have some new ideas to use! I love blogging for this reason!! :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. I like the putting them in order activity. That's a very good hands on activity and then a good visual to return to.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

    1. Thank you!! The charts are on the walls now for certain! :)
