
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Honey, Look at THIS!!

You know you all do it....after you go shopping you come home and show your husband or roommate EVERYTHING you bought.  "Honey!, Look at this. Wait, look at THIS!! Ooooo, THIS one is my favorite!!!"

I was busy, busy the last two days going over my wish list and deciding what to buy and what to save for later.  I'm poppin' in super quick to show you what I bought SO FAR the last two days!

I'm linkin' up with Blog Hoppin' to show off my great stuff! 
Click the picture above to hop over and see what others' purchased during the fabulous sale!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! They definitely are some of my favorite artists!

  2. Do you loop with your kids or are you just moving back? Looks like you found some really great clipart. I am so thankful for TpT. Teachers make everything better than any company ever could!

  3. I do not loop with my kids, but I have before! I loved it, but then I had to un-loop to teach two-way dual language. I, too, love TpT!! I made some great purchases this time around. Thanks for stoppin' in!:)

  4. Kindergarten?! How exciting!!! :) I stocked up on Melonheadz clipart too! They are so darn cute.

