
Friday, May 31, 2013

Kickin' It Up to 2nd!

I am so behind on posting about our ABC count down. Partially because I have even super busy with normal end of year craziness, but also because I have been bad and forgotten to take pictures!

I wanted to share something we did that I just really enjoy! For "K" day we had "Kickin' It Up to 2nd Grade". We go and visit a second grade classroom. This year  before we went I had to squeeze in one more lesson about being a good citizen. (I'm pretty sure I have taught this about 6 times this year thanks to our scope and sequence!) We had a great little discussion and created this anchor chart.  Our conversation began as what super citizens in the community look like and then turned to what super citizens look like in our classroom.

 I was lucky enough to score THIS fabulous activity from A Cupcake for a Teacher in a giveaway. {Her stuff is do darn cute!! You need to check her out if you don't already follow her!!) I couldn't wait to use it and I knew JUST what we'd use it for! We paired it with our Kickin' It Up to 2nd as a Super Citizen writing!

At the end of the day, we got to visit the 2nd grade classroom and share our writing with a new second grade friend, too! It was so much fun and I LOVE seeing them be excited about their work and eager to show it off!

3 more days and my little munchkins will be 2nd graders!!!! I can't believe the year is almost over!! I'm off to enjoy THIS little beauty from Erin Condren that came in the mail today.
Time to FILL it with summer activities and grad school deadlines!


  1. We have hit Authority Figures and Good Citizens like 5 times too. In my opinion, that's like a week of content, haha. And even that is stretching it, since they get it in kinder and 2nd!! :) Glad I'm not the only one!

  2. Love that craftivity by Teri! It's so cute. We did something similar too. We wrote letters to the kindergarteners coming up to 1st about how to be a good first grader. They were so proud of their writing and couldn't wait to show them. And LOVE the planner! I know I'm going to break down and buy one this summer! Waiting for the life planner to come out!

    Flying High in First Grade
