
Friday, May 24, 2013

Five for Friday!

YAY for Friday!! I am just beat this week!! My kids have been fun, but SO talkative and I seriously barely have a voice.  I sound like a man!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs again to share Five Fabulous Things!

1. This is how tired and scattered I have been.  My teammate had to set me straight.  I thought we got out of school a DAY LATER than we really do!!!! Ya'll, that was some good news!!!

2. You have the chance to snag my Debug Mini Unit over at Flying High in First Grade with Ashley and with Lindsey at For the Love of First Grade!  They are giving away 12 things!! Head on over to enter!

3. We had a GREAT time with chalk paint this week!! Read more about it {HERE}!

4. We had a wonderful time "Reading In" today with our pillows, flashlights, and favorite books!!

5. I am trying to stay on top of things.  I did all of my Summer Bucket List end of year gift shopping and Summer Fun Awards shopping this week! YAY!

I hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend!!! I'm off to enjoy dinner with friends before their sweet baby comes!!
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  1. What a great idea to read with flashlights! I wonder if I could get it dark enough in there - lots of windows. Super idea though - stoping by from Doodle Bugs!
    Whimsy Workshop

    1. Our classroom is a dungeon! We have NO windows at all!! I kept on a lamp and our computer screens so we could sitll move around a bit, but the flashlights were a blast!

  2. The "Read In" idea is genius!! We have 4 more days of school and I'm thinking this might be perfect for one of them. Love..thanks for sharing! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Oh I'm so glad you stopped by! The kids really loved it! They had so much fun!

  3. I love seeing all the different variations to the READ IN idea! Thanks for sharing yours! Happy Memorial Day!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  4. We are doing a camping unit next week and will be "reading in" also. This teacher is super excited! Thanks for giving the giveaway a shoutout and participting!

    LindsayFor the Love of First Grade

    1. I used to do that! In student teaching we went all out with a tent and all!! It was so much fun!! When I taught 1st I brought the idea with me to Houston and we did a camping week the last week, too. We spent the week reviewing and the kids LOVED it!!

  5. Way to go on getting ahead on your end of year buckets and awards! We have eight more days but I have a husband who has been on me for spending, so I have to plan strategically lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I just started following you!

    Literacy Spark
