
Sunday, February 10, 2013

You {MUSTCH} See This!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner.  Less than a week!! Are you ready? Are you ready to have a crazy party? I had a sweet parent who planned our holiday (Christmas) party, but this time it was up to me! I worked ahead and planned our treat, games, crafts, and even parent note!  You can read more about that HERE.

Today I got busy working on my valentine for my first grade friends! Here is what I came up with! 


I bought the mustaches, paper, and straws all from Hobby Lobby.  I just printed the words, then glued, hole punched, stuck the straw through, and WAH-LAH!

Since we will be enjoying the Sweetheart Smoothie from HERE, then the straw and 'staches are just perfect.  I can't wait to give them to them! 

What are you giving your little ones for Valentine's Day? 

Need help planning your party? Check this out! 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore this idea! So creative. What is it about the 'staches that the kids go crazy for??? Thanks for sharing!

    For the Love of First Grade
