
Monday, January 7, 2013

Introducing...FONTS and a FLASH SALE!

I am SOOO excited to introduce you to my new fonts!! I have always been poked at for re-doing things because I didn't like the font. I recently was helping my mom with some things for her business and I said, "Mom, I don't like the font that lady used. Please, let me make your tags next time."  Of course she said "yes!". :)

Here are the first 10 that I have completed. I went with a mixture of cutesy and practical, which I will be using in creating new things for my classroom.

There is a one time purchase fee on TpT.  My goal is to add new fonts periodically.  You can just re-download the file after you have purchased it. Click the pictures above to go check them out!

To share in my excitement, I will give them away to the first two people to comment on this post AND they are on sale tonight only for 20% off!!


  1. Those are TOO cute! I love fonts! I'm glad you'll be making more fabulous fonts. These are great!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  2. Hello my name is Gladys..and I'm a font addict..seriously! ;) These are super cute!

  3. Love these fonts!!!!! So cute!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Super cute! There are already in my TPT wish list. Yay!

  6. Your fonts are adorable. Just found you through Teaching in High Heels. I'm a new follower.
    Primary Paradise

  7. I am your newest follower. Love these awesome fonts. When you create the fonts do you have to write each letter and create it. Or do you write a few and the program completes the rest. I am just thinking that writing ALL the uppercase and lowercase letters the same must be crazy long! Oh and BTW love those borders. Who makes those?
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

    1. Thank you! I have to write each and every letter....and anything else you see on your keyboard. I have to write it all! I love the boarders, too! Here is the link to her TpT store!
