
Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Goals: Downtime

I'm linking up with with Amy Lemons for today's featured goal.


This seriously is something that I really struggle with.  I have a hard time making my brain STOP.  I really do.  I laid down to take a nap today (because I literally was sitting on the couch working on my computer and I could barely keep my eyes open) and I couldn't even sleep! My brain was going 100 mph!

I need to pack for Passion. 
I can't forget to make snacks.
...oh! I have a new idea for a font!
I can't forget to blog today.
I wonder when hubs will be back from Bass Pro? 
Oh gosh! I hope he didn't buy something silly that he won't ever use. 


I really do need to SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWW down. My husband and I made a promise to each other a couple of months ago.  Our new response became, "Awww, we are so honored you have asked us to ____________, but we really are just too busy. We need time for each other."  So far, it's working out okay! Praise God! (side note: I also firmly believe that the Lord is calling us to do something or be a part of something that he will give us the time we need to do that.)

All of this to say, I really do need some Downtime Goals!  Here are some things I really love doing and I want to do more of! 

Be inspired by other teachers who want some more downtime in 2013! Hop over to Amy's blog, enter the giveaway, and see what others plan to do with their downtime!  I know this year will be a great year and planning for some more downtime will only make the year better!! :) 


  1. My husband and I probably need to make a similar goal. We are way too busy. Jesus calling is one of my favorite devotion books. I keep my copy at school and try to read it at some point through the day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I have really enjoyed the book so far! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I'm starting "Jesus Calling" tomorrow! I got it in the middle of the year so I am not quite done with it.

    Wishing you and the hubs a wonderful 2013! ♥

    Bren P.

  3. I just found your adorable blog! I am also a texas teacher! :) I am your newest follower!! I just started my brand new blog (and new blogs get lonely) so please go check mine out too!

  4. I just found your blog over at a post on Teaching with High Heels! I adore your fonts! Jesus calling is the best devotional. Is amazes me how many devotionals pertain to what I am going though in my life at that time!

    The Resourceful Apple
