
Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 Goals: Technology!

I'm sure you all have fully tummys and are still munching on leftovers. If you are like me, you not ready to begin thinking about "New Year's Resolutions". Honestly, I've never been big on resolutions, (I'm not sure what it is...I just always think about how packed the gym is for the next two months, etc., etc.) but I am a fan of goals so I'll just call this my "2013 Goals". :) 

I'm linking up with Kathleen over at Growing Kinders for a great party to share our goals! 

I am blessed to have several pieces of technology in my classroom. I have a Mimio board (which is GREAT because 1. It's cheap and 2. It just attaches to my white board and I don't loose white board space!) I also have a set of 6 iTouches that we use on a daily basis. I have a document camera and classroom computers. I have a lot to work with and we have worked hard to get it. When I first came to my school 2 years ago, I had a projector and document camera. I felt like I was in the Stone Age! Ha! Ha! Ha!

But this Christmas, I was totally surprised with something new...
I am SOOO excited to use it in my classroom! I have been looking for apps to use and I can't wait. My goals are to use it in my classroom and also to make some pretty fonts to share! I. CAN'T. WAIT.

Be sure to head over to Growing Kindersenter her great giveaway, and see what others are up to for 2013!

Also, if you have any great apps that I should know about for a teacher, PLEASE share the love!! :)


  1. Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog! You (and the kids) are going to love having an iPad in the classroom.

    Oh, and I'm your newest follower :)

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  2. You are going to love your iPad. There are so many great things you can do with it in the classroom. Thought you might check out my blog! I teach teachers on how to use iPads in the classroom. Thought you might be interested.

    Jennifer Kimbrell

    The HiTech Coach
