
Friday, December 28, 2012

2013 Goals: Organization!

I heart organization!! I seriously do! If you looked around my house, you may not think that 100%, but when you open the cabinets, you will see what I mean! It drives me CAH-RAZY when things are not put back "in their home".  I tell my hubs all the time, "If it doesn't have a home, then get rid of it. We don't need it." I have a fear of becoming a hoarder and I definitely do not want to be famous because of it! 

Today I'm linking up with Hope at 2nd Grade Shenanigans to share my Organization Goals for next year. 

Here are a few of my 2013 Goals for Organization both for the classroom and my personal life....

1. Keep my "to file" pile under control. You all know you have one!! It's never ending! If you have a secret to keeping this under control, let me know!

2. Organize my Valentine's Day party so that it will run smoothly! (I'm already working on this one, ya'll!! Do I get extra points or something?!?!)

3. Do a better job of keeping a school calendar updated with school deadlines. I feel like they ALWAYS sneak up on me! Goodness gracious!!

Now on to my personal life...

1. Potentially organize a mission trip to Bangladesh.  YIKES!! This one is SUPER intimidating! I will take the tips I can get from people who have gone on trips!  Praying over this, still... (but I do get a little excited when I think about a new binder with dividers and such!)

2. Help my hubs clean out his side of the garage.  He keeps saying, "What about all of that school stuff?"  and I keep saying, "One day I may get to go back to Kinder and I will need it!" I'm thinking some shelving and wall hooks are in order, for sure!

Be sure to hop over and see how others plan to get organized this year! Also, enter the GREAT giveaway!


  1. Cute blog! I found you through the Resolutions linky party. I am your 200th follower...congratulations!

    Thirsty Firsties

  2. I would definitely say that you get extra points for already thinking of your valentine's day party! :)

