
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Build-a-Turkey Writing Assessment and Magnets

Last week was CRA-ZY! Every last week of the 6 weeks (really 5!), I feel like I'm going crazy! Assessments, grades, and wild kids! Part of it is my fault because the last day is always "catch-up" day.

We finished up our Small Moment books and used our self assessment, Build-a-Turkey to see how many feathers we earned! This time, we had been working on writing a beginning, middle, and end.  Ya'll, this is tough! Several of mine have a story with a BME in their mind, but when they write it, they leave out crucial parts. We are definitely still working on this!

They turned out cute, though!

We also explored how objects move by pushing and pulling.  We ended by exploring with magnets.  We did exactly what did last year.  You can read more about that here. We also used the outline that Christina Bainbridge made after our picture was pinned to Pinterest.   (I snapped a picture but evidently I moved too quickly because it's a blur!) The kids always enjoy the hands-on exploration, though!

Check out the Build-a-Turkey writing self assessment to use with your little ones this week!
Check out the Build-a-Turkey writing self assessment to use with your little ones this week! 

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