
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teaching with Style

I have been enjoying Abby and Rebecca's little Teacher Chic Tuesday's.  Then I came across Mrs. Prince's little linky party when I was looking for solutions to help my kids stop shouting out.  {Check out her post about her Blurt Chart here! I have all the materials ready to make it!}

I really like the idea of taking a break from school work and talking about fun things like shopping! My husband just gives me evil eye when I tell him that I need to go do the "Target Stroll" for therapy.  Sometimes he'll join me, but most of the time I just go alone (which I secretly enjoy sometimes!).

Here are some snap shots of my outfits lately:

dress- Target on clearance for $8.99
shoes-Target on clearance at the end of last fall
necklace- Very Jane for $14.99 (that's a splurge for me!)
earrings- a gift from Tam (my best friend)

Shirt- Ross years ago
Sweater- Old Navy Clearance after last Winter $8.95 
(took the tag off this morning that's why I remember)
Pants- TJ Maxx $16.99 
(LOVE the colored jeans that aren't really jeans but make you feel like you are wearing jeans!)
Shoes- Christmas gift and super comfortable
Necklace- Groopdealz "just because" gift from Ryan

Don't forget to link and share your style! Check out others' for some great ideas, too!

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