
Friday, October 19, 2012

Reading Helpers FREEBIE

Happy Friday! I just wanted to share a little something I worked on this week and that is working great in our little classroom.

4 years ago I created these little helper cards to help my little friends with various reading strategies when they get stuck on a word. They are stored in my little guided reading bag and after I teach the students how to use them, I pull them out every time we are reading during guided reading.  (I didn't use them as much in Kindergarten as I have in 1st grade.)

I decided that we could use these in poster form because so many times lately the kids are bringing up those strategies during reader's workshop as I am trying to model what good readers do when they get to a word they don't know.  Before I can even model it incorrectly, the kids are correcting me!! While it is a good problem, it is still a problem because I'm not getting the chance to show them what to do!

Here are the new posters I made and put on our reading bulletin board.  Here they are big enough that the kids can see them from other places in the room.  When I introduced them on Wednesday, they LOVED them!! Their words were, "YAY!! They are big and pretty!!"

You can grab them HERE if you can use them! (I just moved them from a Google Doc to TpT!  You can also click the picture to grab it. :) )

I'm linking up with Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday! 

Hop on over and grab the other Friday Freebies!


  1. These are great! Thanks so much! I'm linked up, too and am your newest follower!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby
