
Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm Still Here!!

I have pretty much abandoned this sweet little blog since last November.  So many sweet ladies have left me comments and even asked for some things.  I have tried to keep up with those, but have just not had the energy to sit down, upload pictures (the few that I do have), and write.  Today we are using a bad weather day and it is SO nice to have a long weekend! Can you guys believe that the school year is almost over?!?  Oh my goodness! 
Here is a little bit of what we have been up to...

We celebrated the 100th day of school! Our school doesn't make a big deal about the 100th day for any other grade level but kindergarden.  This made me sad.  This was the first year that I did not really do a lot. Lesson learned...the kids enjoy it and next year I will take the time to do it. 
 We learned about probability and used parts of Amy Lemon's Probability Unit. Super cute things and the kids LOVED every bit of it! The posters from this unit are still up in our room because they still refer to them. 
We learned about the 3Rs! Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  We made picture frames from recycled materials and by reusing materials that we had left over from other projects. 
We sang Jack Johnson's song, The 3 Rs, too!
 We celebrated Tom's "One Day Without Shoes" in our classroom!  
WOW!, What a powerful thing for the little ones to experience.  
 We learned about plants and began by soaking our lima beans in water over night.  The kids were in awe to find the "little plant" inside when we dissected our seeds. 

Here's to hoping that I will update this little blog more often before the end of the school year! :)

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