
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Benjamin Franklin

We have talked and talked, until I'm about blue in the face and SO bored with it, about great American citizens. We focused on Benjamin Franklin for a couple of days. We read a couple of books and talked about his inventions. We also talked about the many things he helped begin in America--fire stations, post offices, police stations, hospitals, etc. Here is a look at some of our writing.

Okay, this one is one of my favorites! Good 'ole Franklin went to the Queen and asked her to hep fund weapons for the war. I'm pretty sure that is ALL that the boys heard and know about Benjamin Franklin! Check our this picture. It makes me giggle! But hey, at least this little one was listening well!
Doesn't Benjamin look a bit like a bunny? I love my kiddos!!


  1. Almost all the characters look like bunnies! That is adorable. I also had to laugh at the one about the newspaper. Just thinking about all the news we read in the paper these days. If only Ben Franklin knew what was to come... I wonder what he would think now. :-)

    First Grade Delight

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