
Friday, February 21, 2014

President's Day in Kindergarten

President's Day lines up PERFECTLY with our curriculum.  It's not every day that a holiday is included in our standards.  We spent some time on both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.   Here is a peak at what we had going on!

We started off with reading several books throughout the week about Abraham Lincoln and created a timeline to map his life. Timelines are a great visual for my students.  They refer back to them often throughout the week!

We created our own little Abraham Lincoln and recorded 3 facts that we had learned about him.

It just warms my heart with my little friends take what we are learning and apply it on their own during their writing station time.   This friend definitely got some praise!

We then moved on to George Washington.  We started with books and a timeline again.  I took it upon myself to have some cheap therapy by the ever great Crayola company.  (I later realized his hair should have been blonde and I apologize for that! Welcome to my week!)

We posted our timeline and referred back to to often.

We ended our week with creating a little book about George Washington.  The kids were AWESOME at helping fill in the blanks and recalling facts about him.

All of the things we used were from this little unit I made.

What were you up to for President's Day? Does your curriculum allow you to teach about Abe and George or do you have to just skim over them?

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