
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Penguin Party through Nonfiction and Predictions

This week we have been exploring Penguins through nonfiction, or expository, text.   The kids always enjoy nonfiction.

We started by reviewing nonfiction with this wonderful Mr. Harry's Kindergarten video.

The kids absolutely LOVE it!

We have read several books.  Our curriculum has us using the cover of the books to make predictions about the text.

Early in the week as I re-introduced the topic, we worked on making our predictions as a whole group.  We jotted them down to help us go back and check our predictions throughout reading and after reading.  I quickly made this anchor chart (and the poor gal doesn't even have even hair! Oh goodness gracious! It does the job, though!)

We worked with partners to write and draw a picture of our predictions before reading the book. I have love having all of my assessment pages made because I just pulled one and used it for this purpose.

I am constantly encouraging my friends to check their predictions throughout the book in both the text and illustrations.  Also, I remind them often that if we predict wrong, THAT IS OKAY! You know how at 5 you always want to be right!! (Heck, even I don't like being wrong!)

We are making lots of progress on our comprehension strategies as readers. We talked questioning not long ago too.  I will try to share some of that soon!

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