
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Adoption Update

I seriously thought I was going to be better at blogging, but I'm just not even going to promise that! I did think it was time to pop in and share a little adoption update, though.

Almost two months ago we accepted a referral for a precious, precious baby girl! I have been over the moon excited about this!  We never expected to: 1. get such a little one and 2. get a girl!  We only specified that we preferred a child 3 and under.  We really were expecting to receive a referral for a 2 year old boy.  God has definitely rocked our world in a very good way!!

People say when they are pregnant and hold their baby for the first time it's just INSTANT love.  I have always wondered, "Will we have that moment? Will we have a time that we just KNOW we love this child more than we could ever image?" God is good, my friends! As soon as we saw pictures and received the referral, I just cried and both our hearts were overflowing with love for her! We knew the Lord was giving her to us!

So I did say that it was about 2 months ago that we accepted her referral.  We have waited to share until we had some more official paper work.  The road has already been filled with bumps, though.  We woke up one morning to an email letting us know that there were some other medical concerns.  Her sweet foster family had taken her to the doctor and there was a list of tests they wanted to run.  They needed our consent and money to run these tests. I think I officially have had my first "Worst Mommy Feeling in the World" moment.  My heart broke.  Here I am miles and miles away and I can't do anything.  I can't hold her. I can't rock her. I can't make sure she isn't hurting. I can't make sure she is eating like her little body needs.

I can only pray.

I was quickly reminded by God of how he holds us in the palm of our hands and while bad things may happen, he ALWAYS will get glory and he ALWAYS will walk with us through the storms.  He has our little girl right where He needs her for now and He has her in the palm of his hands.

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