
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Peek at My Week and some Freebies!

I'm still here!!! It has been almost a month since I last blogged.  Kindergarten is just keeping me busy, busy, busy this year! Along with our adoption, family, trying to stay healthy, and Aggie football games my little blog has just taken a back burner.

I thought I'd pop in to share a Peek at My Week and a few freebies!

I used parts from the following units. Click on the images to check them out!



Be sure and head over to Mrs. Wills blog and see what others are going to be up to during our crazy, sugar-high week!

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  1. It looks like your kids will have a busy, fun week! Your pumpkin fun pack looks wonderful! Thank you so much for the freebies! They are wonderful :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. You are so sweet, Sarah! Thank you for stopping by!! :)
