
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Groundhog Day Fun!

This year Groundhog Day is on a Monday.  As a classroom teacher, I always loved Groundhog Day during the week.  It's just a fun little day to talk about traditions with the kiddos!  The excitement is just grand for them.

This year I created a little Groundhog Day unit.  You can easily weave a few things in tomorrow before the big weekend or even on Monday after Groundhog Day!

You can make predictions before Groundhog Day, on Friday.

 Discuss them.

Make a little hat to celebrate.
On Monday you can discuss the outcome.  You can even make a little All About Groundhog Day book.

You can even discuss groundhog facts!

All of this can be found in my All About Groundhog Day unit.  Through tomorrow, it's on sale for 15% off!!

Have a wonderful evening!! I'm off to relax now! 
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  1. Oh my cuteness! Cute baby in a groundhog hat ALERT! :)

  2. Cute unit! I think Groundhog Day is Monday, February 2, 2015.

    1. Theresa!! You are RIGHT! I knew it was February 2, but I TOTALLY forgot there are 31 days in January! I was just counting earlier instead of looking at a calendar. HA! Thank you for catching that! I have fixed my post. :) You're the best!
