
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lots to be SUPER Thankful For!

Hi there! I don't know about you, but this fabulous season just OOZES thankfulness for me.  It's the time of year that most everyone stops and recognizes everything--big and small-- that they are thankful for. 

Today I am linking up with Primary Powers for a Super Thankful Thread Linky.

I am SO thankful for my little munchkins! While Canaan gets to be home with us now, our precious little girl doesn't.  I am still thankful that the Lord chose us to be their parents.  Every day that passes, I am thankful for time with Canaan. I know I am missing lots of sweet time with our little girl, but I'm so very thankful for the sweet person who cares for her until she comes homes forever.  You can read more about our adoption journey HERE.

 This guy. I'm so thankful for him. He loves me and pursues me even when I'm stressed and crazy! He loves our munchkins to the moon and back and provides so much for us.  He is my best friend and teammate.  I am thankful that the Lord allows us to go through life together!

I am so very thankful for my friends! I think friends are special because you choose them.  The Lord has been so gracious to provide me with wonderful friends who have walked through so much with me! College, dating, starting our family, being a new mommy, being a wife…the list just goes on and on! I don't know what I would do without these prayer warriors by my side!

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season? Head on over to Primary Powers and link up!

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  1. What a sweet post with so many darling pictures...especially that one of Canaan!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. Canaan is a cutie.
    Sending good vibes and prayers your way as you wait on your little girl.
    The Take Home Teacher

  3. I love reading about other blogger's families. Yours are too cute!

    A LoveLi Class

  4. Your thankful list is so sweet! You are very blessed indeed! Found you over on the Thankful linky!

    Learning at the Teacher Table
