
Friday, November 7, 2014

Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!!! I'm linking up with Kacey for a little Five for Friday linky fun


I haven't taken the time to stop and blog about this, BUT I got to visit the TpT office two weekend ago.  I missed out on Vegas because of little bit being born so this was my mini-Vegas.  I had SO much fun meeting all of these fabulous people!!

 Marcy from Saddle Up for Second Grade put together this fabulous fundraiser for Post Elementary.  Those teachers and students lost EVERYTHING.  They are a tiny town in west Texas and they need all the love they can get! Click the image to hop on over and check out the fundraiser!

I am so excited to have finished up this little product! Right on time for the Thanksgiving season! Click on the image above to snag it in my TpT store

My sweet baby boy just celebrated 5 months about  a week ago. He is growing so fast.  I totally understand why people say, "they grow up so fast".  I am officially that crazy mom who says, "Stop growing!! Stay tiny!" 

This little guy celebrated his first Halloween-fussiness and all! He was fast asleep and was not happy that mommy woke him up to get dressed up as a scarecrow.  The dress rehearsal earlier in the day went much smoother than the real thing! When you are 0 years old, you don't really care! 

I hope you all have a wonderful fall weekend!
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  1. Your little one is so adorable! I did get to go to Vegas, but I think a trip to the TpT offices would be amazing! I hope you post about it soon!

  2. Your baby is adorable and yes they do grow fast! I have just started putting items on TPT so I don't have a lot on there, but please feel free to contact me when donations can be used for a cause such as this one you posted. I would love to contribute what I can in future.

    1. You are so sweet! I didn't put together that fundraiser, but be sure to check the forums because often people post in there when they are putting them together! It's nice to be able to help out! :)
