
Monday, September 1, 2014

What's CURRENTLY Going On

I'm linking up with Farley for a little currently fun! It has been quite a while and this is always such a great way to meet other bloggers! 

Most are pretty explanatory, but I will expand more on my 3 trips.

Greece- I always see it in movies and LOVE how beautiful it is! I'm not sure about the weather but I dream that it is perfect!!

The Democratic Republic of Congo- obvious reasons.  I can't wait for our little girl to come home!  (Squeezing this in: Pray for movement in the system, please!!!)

Seattle- Mainly because I LOVE Grey's Anatomy!!!

So that's about it! What's going on with you? Check out the link up for some FUN!! 

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  1. I LOVE Grey's Anatomy too! I can't wait for the new season. I am interested to see the dynamic with Christina gone. Greece is on my list too. I will say a prayer for you and your baby girl!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  2. A run in this heat?! You're crazy! LOL. Seattle is the best.....maybe I'm a little biased. Fingers and toes crossed and special prayers for movement in the system. Love ya!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  3. Praying for your little girl! I've been following ya'll through Instagram. :) I always find it hard to put my timing aside and focus on HIS timing.

    Creativity to the Core

  4. I LOVE Seattle. My brother lives there. Greece would be fun, too! Good luck with your chores. I am about to get started.

  5. Let's go to the Congo together... how does that sound?!

  6. I just know you're going to get some good news soon!! Love you sweet friend!!!

  7. I would love to go to Greece!!! I have also been praying for you and that sweet child you will be brining home!
