
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Workin' On It: Sight Words and More!

Hi there!  Remember me? I have been super busy with this guy lately. 

Isn't he THE cutest?!?  I'm just so in love, ya'll!! 

Anyway, today I'm linking up with the KinderGals to share what I'm working on!

When he is taking little naps, I have been busy trying to finish up this. 

I started out just updating this product, but instead I decided to align it with Fry's list of sight words, the first 100.  It is a whole new product altogether.  
It has everything for you to asses students on their sight words.  I broke them up into 4 groups.  For each group there is a check list for the teacher to use, mini-flash cards for you to use in the classroom and/or to send home for practice, certificates for each level (boy and girl versions) and everything you need for a data wall display.  My students LOVE this! They do anything to earn their little sight word superhero! 

I have been busy working on a few other little things, too. This was inspired after a blog post I did last fall.  I needed something super fast for the letter N and I made one quickly last year. Then this was born.  

I wanted something easy-peasy for the students to do as we work on each letter.  It also is a simple way for me to assess if they know that beginning sound or not.  I tried to keep my ELL students in mind so the pictures that are not commonly used, I used several times to have the students get used to them. :) 

I also started a blends version of the same thing! 

One more thing.  If you have purchased this set of Science Flip Books, go download it again by simply going to "My Purchases".  I updated it with some more specific directions and more kid-friendly fonts!  The rest of the flip book sets are in the works for an update! 

 Click on over to KinderGals and see what everyone else is up to this fine Wednesday!

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  1. Looks like you're getting plenty done even with that absolutely adorable baby taking up your time!

  2. Oh my, that is a sweet baby, congratulations! I just put your blending sorts in my cart and am now going to check out those Science Flipbooks. Thanks for sharing your talent!
