
Monday, May 5, 2014

Insects Galore!

Oh, how I have missed blogging lately! Life hast just been super busy with "nesting" both at home and school.  I have 4 weeks left. Count 'em...1...2....3...4!!!! AHHH! We are getting so excited about meeting our little guy! Anyway, on to insects!

Lately we have been enjoying insects in our classroom as we have dove right in to research.  My little friends have just LOVED every bit of it!

We started off with listing questions we had and discussing where we could go to find the answers.  We discussed that we could use classroom books, library books, the internet, experts, and even adults to help us find answers.

Each day I introduced a new insect and we brainstormed questions about that insect.

We then got busy researching and looking for the answers. As we found the answers, we placed dots beside the question to show that we knew the answer. We discussed how sometimes we can't find answers to all of our questions so maybe we need to try new resources.

We then would write about each insect as we worked on creating our "All About Insect" books.

 At the end of our time, we re-created the butterfly life cycle with this fun craftivity!

I hope you all have had a marvelous Monday and are relaxing! I'm off to put my feet up and relax! 
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