
Saturday, September 14, 2013

BIG and EXCITING News!!!!

Photography by Life in Low Aperture 

Since April, my hubs and I have been on a beautiful journey.  Through lots of prayer, seeking wisdom from others, and more prayer, we have decided to adopt from the Democratic Republic of Congo!

We are so excited these days we can hardly contain ourselves!  You may be thinking, "Since APRIL?" Yes, since April. While we shared our decision with our families immediately, we waited a little longer to tell our close friends and church family.  We decided that it was time to share our exciting news with the world this week! HA!

You also may be wondering where we are in the process. We are currently waiting on a referral, which means we are waiting to be matched with a child. We gave very general specifications mainly because- 1. If we were pregnant, we wouldn't get to choose a gender and 2. We have no biological children yet.  We also are just trusting that the Lord will pick out a child JUST for us that fits our family perfectly!

My whole TpT journey has centered about our desire to adopt.  I became at TpT seller after following Amy Lemon's story. She was always encouraging and was the first to say, "Don't be afraid.  Do it. It is a blessing." We have faithfully saved every penny, but it wasn't until last Spring that the Lord was showing us WHY! God is just so good, isn't he?!?!

I'm sure there is a lot more to share and say! For now, I just wanted to share our fabulous news!!  If you feel led to, we would love for you to join us through prayer on our journey!

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! :) 

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  1. Congratulations! Praying for you, your husband, and your child-to-be! :)

    The Journey of a Beginning Teacher

  2. That's awesome news! Congrats! Will definitely keep you all in my prayers! :)


  3. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!!! I will be thinking and praying for you. :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  4. How wonderful! Congratulations! Will certainly be praying along with you!

    Sticky Notes & Glitter: A Second Grade Adventure!

  5. This is wonderful news! Congratulations. I will definitely join you in your prayer journey!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  6. How exciting! What an adorable way to share such amazing news! Congrats!

    Lucky to Be in First

  7. Congratulations! Adoption is something that is near and dear to my heart. Hugs and prayers!
