
Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13- Let's Talk About Me!

This is probably one of my favorite weeks for a little blog linky party.  Last year I participated in Blog Hoppin's little Back to School party and I just had a blast! I'm linking up with them again this year!

1. I am married to my college sweetheart! We have quite a story and I am so grateful for the man of God that he is!

2. I have taught in 5 different classrooms in the last 6 years! This means one thing...I am a GREAT packer!! :)

3. I enjoy traveling and I have been on 4 international mission trips.  My favorite was Bangladesh last summer with Guatemala as a close second.

4. I really like being crafty! My mom has is in her like CRAZY and I have inherited some of that, except with a little bit of craziness about staying organized, too! I enjoy sewing and painting.

5. I am a runner! Though I haven't been much of one this summer, I have laced up my sneakers again as I prepare for my 4th half marathon. I have also learned that a great running buddy goes a long way!!
(P.S. This was the worst race ever! It rained the entire time and it was cold!)

6. I used to play the piano and flute when I was in middle school.  I can still sit at a piano and play a bit and thankfully I have retained how to read music, but I am not a pro by any means! I really wish that I had stuck with piano lessons though.  Mom was definitely right!

7. Hubs and I have a German Shorthaired Pointer.  He is still very puppy-ish, and he makes me go bananas sometimes, but he is a pretty good dog. He is just VERY high energy!!

8. I LOVE Vera Bradley.  I have way too many pieces.  I also do not like it all to match! (This is not even all of it! EEEKKK!)

9. I went to the best university ever, Texas A&M.  I bleed maroon and hubs and I are blessed to still go back for home football games.  Here's to a GREAT season this year!!
(P.S. Do you know this kid in the middle??? He sits in our section, no big deal!)

10. I have a coat obsession.  I love winter coats and I live in Texas.  That is a problem! I don't really care, though.  Every year for Christmas I usually get a new coat!

That's me! Join the fun! Grab the button, link up, and click the button to go meet some other fabulous teachers!!
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  1. I absolutely agree... There's nothing like a great running buddy! Good luck on your next half marathon.

  2. I want to run a half marathon so bad! Its definitely on my bucket list! Ok, so who is the kid in the middle?!? I went to Texas Tech! I miss the A&M rivalry.

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

    1. Manny from Modern Family! I don't miss the rivalry much. ;) We are enjoying the SEC so far! Well, until we start getting stomped! HA! :)

  3. I am running a full marathon in January! I need to find a good running buddy ASAP! Thanks for linking up! ;)

  4. Ouuu! Is that the little dude from Modern Family?! You are too lucky...what a cutie he is!

    I just recently stumbled upon your blog {which I ADORE, by the way!} so it was nice to get to meet and know you a little better :)

    Fun With Firsties

    1. YES! It is the Manny!! :) I'm so glad you have stopped by and enjoy it! :)

  5. What a great list! I love visiting your blog. My hubs and I wish we could get back to our alma matter a bit more often. Lucky you to be able to do so regularly! It was really nice to get to know more about you! Thanks for sharing!

    Kindergarten A to Z

  6. I love some Vera Bradley too! :) It was fun getting to know more about you!
