
Friday, July 5, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday!

Since there is no more Five for Friday for a little bit (which is a much deserved break I might add!), Cara did it again, my friends!! She is hosting a Favorite Pins Friday Linky!  Of course I am linking up! How easy is this?!

Here are some of my favorite pins I added to my pinboards this week!!

For the Home:

 I really badly want to decorate and organize my office.  It seriously has a few boxes from when we first moved in....two years ago! YIKES! It really needs some lovin'! 
Pin from Caitlin Wilson.  She has some precious things!!! She is quickly becoming a design favorite!

For the Classroom:

Who doesn't love labels?? These are FREE, too!! I snagged them for sure! I also like that clothes pins were used to hold them up!
 Pin from Mrs. Williamson. She's adorable! You should check our her Kindergarten blog!!

I also really like this touch of chevron!! I do like me some chevron, but I know it's going out of style soon on the fashion side of things...maybe not in my small town. :)  I have been wanting that border from Creative Teaching Press and this pin convinced me.  It's JUST enough!
Unfortunately, there is no source for this link!

For the Kitchen:

Hubs and I LOVE mexican food!! This recipe is a "healthy" one and it looks DELICIOUS! I am trying it out next week for sure! 
 Pin from Healthy. Delicious.

For the Little Ones Some Day:

I really am into this mint color right now.  I loved the dresser painted mint.  I could even put it in my office as storage! 
Unfortunately, there is no source for this link!

Follow me on Pinterest {HERE}!  Have a wonderful Friday!! 

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  1. I love that mint color as well! I haven't used it much in decorating, but I think it would really transform a piece of furniture. That dresser is beautiful!

  2. LOVE the mint color. I pinned a minty/turquoise furniture piece this week and I'm dying to pain something. :)

    1. It's a beautiful weekend here!! Go grab your paint, girl! :)

  3. I LOVE Chevron! Probably a little too much! I just want my whole life to be in chevron, and as soon as I accomplish that, it will probably be out of style. ;)

    I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD TOO. Def have to try that recipe. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Great minds think alike!! Aren't we just brilliant!?

  5. I love the dresser idea. My daughter actually has that same dresser times two! I see a project in the near future!

  6. I am so glad I came across your ADORABLE blog from this linky party. It is super cute and I am excited to be your newest follower. I loved all of your pins. I have been also be eying that teal border, I just haven't found a home for it yet. I love the dresser, I feel like I have a done of pins of similar pieces of painted furniture.


  7. Mexican food is my absolute favorite! I could eat it everyday! Found your blog through the linky! Always great to find new friends! Love your blog design!

    From Blood to Books!

  8. This is my first time stopping by your blog!! I love Linky parties for this very reason!! :)I read your Talking, Drawing, Writing post, and I have come to feel the same way about teaching Writing!! It is honestly now one of my very favorite subjects to teach!! Your freebies were darling!! Thank you so much! Have a great day! :)

  9. I am your newest follower! I love everything you pinned! I will have to check out those cute labels. =)
