
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Glimpse at Shared Reading and a Facebook FREEBIE

Shared reading is one of my most favorite parts of the day!! It is a time for me to model what great reading looks like, sounds like, and even how great readers think.  The best part is that the students get the joy of reading the on-level text with me!

When I taught Kindergarten in the past, I mainly used poems or songs for our shared reading time.  As I transitioned to 1st grade, I began using more big books than songs and poems.  The kids still would jump for joy when it was a song, but big book was their favorite literacy station by far!  This year I hope to incorporate more big books into my shared reading time with my sweet kinder friends.

I thought I would share a little bit more about shared reading today.

Get the pointers HERE from Lakeshore Learning.
Get the highlighter tape HERE from Lakeshore Learning.
Get the sentence strips HERE from Shoplet.  

Get the Phonemic Awareness books HERE from Creative Teaching Press.
Get the Poetry and Shared Reading Bundle HERE from Deedee Wills
(Check out her blog HERE! She is absolutely FABULOUS and so sweet! I am so glad that I made this purchase!) 

Here is a glimpse of what it looks like in our classroom.

This isn't set in stone and it changes depending on the needs of my students.  One week we may use a big book and focus on retelling if several of them are struggling with retell during guided reading.  Just something to keep in mind as you plan for your little friends! 

Click the picture to hop over to my Facebook page and grab this Fans Only Freebie!

Do you implement shared reading? Do you have some great tips? I'd love to hear them!

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  1. I love your shared reading process... it reminds me a lot of modeling close reading. I may adopt your week-guide for my class this year! I like the way you have it so organized into your chart. It's easy to keep track of the process that way! Thanks so much!


  2. You have a typo on this free item...thought you might want to change that. You have "cute" out instead of "cut" out. :-) Have a good day.

  3. I love this freebie-thank you so much! I teach preschool just 2 days a week so your freebie is the perfect thing for that time frame. Do you have any others like that? Or know where i could get some? I like the simplicity for my preschoolers and we can get through it quickly then have a copy for their poem folders.
