
Monday, April 1, 2013

April Currently!

It's April already!! I am so glad and I think I am even ready to begin an end of school countdown.  Ya'll, spring break was just too amazing!! I get so much done and am still so rested! It's awesome!

On to better things...I am linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade! for a little Currently Party fun!

Listening-Sometimes no t.v. is just greatness!! 

Loving-I finally was able to sneak out of school at a decent time and get a run in this afternoon! It's always a great feeling when you put your shoes back on, hit the pavement, and still have a good pace time! You runners know the feeling!!

Thinking-it would be so nice to make it bed early one night this week. It's crazy busy around this house this week!

Wanting- I'm going to try to talk hubs into a foot rub tonight!!!

Needing- I love helping out my little ones, but the write-ups after WEEKS of interventions are just the longest darnest things ever!

Advice- Be honest...always. I don't mean throw tact out the window, but just don't lie about dumb things or even not dumb things.  Today, my kids were son honest they even told me that the sub told them the answers to their math and spelling tests.  I was one proud teacher! They may not all get their spelling grades after that craziness, but they got stars in my book for being so honest!!

Have a great week!!! Here's to testing in the great state of Texas!! :)


  1. Hi! I love your currently- sometimes silence is what you need to recoup and not be bombarded with more noise! I love those evening runs in spring- though it is still quite chilly here in Nebraska! I found your blog via Farley!
    Happy April!


  2. Haha! Are you as excited as I am about keeping the littles completely silent in our classrooms all day with no recess or specials? yeah STAAR!!!!

  3. Thank goodness we are on the opposite sides of the school than the upper grades during the next 2! What font did you use...its so precious!

    For the Love of First Grade

    1. We aren't exactly! It would be nice though!! The font is AJ June from my font collection! :)

  4. Hi there! I just re-did my blog background and almost picked the same one you have. It's cute!! Found you through the Currently.


  5. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the April Currently! I love the font you used in your currently... I am thinking about getting a massage too.
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth
