
Friday, March 15, 2013

Five for Friday!

I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share five random things about my week! It has been spring break for me and I have not gone ANYWHERE! It has been so wonderful! For Christmas and Thanksgiving break I traveled and it has been so nice and relaxing to stay home!! Except for the occasional shopping trip, ya know! ;)

 1. I have spent lots of time with this guy. I'm not an animal lover, but when he does this during the day most of the time, it's hard not to love him!

2. I have been working on decorations for a baby shower I'm throwing my wonderful, sweet neighbor tomorrow! I can't wait to see everything all put together!

3. I spent 40 minutes on hold with TEA trying to renew my certification. HORRIBLE! Absolutely horrible! Then when the lady answered the phone she wasn't very friendly at all.  I could tell she was on overload. I kindly asked who to contact so that I could try to get her some help.  She knew exactly how to file a complaint! :)

4. I have enjoyed this place twice this week! That's a treat for me because it's not my hubs favorite place in the world.  He claims it's girly! I enjoy sweet conversation with friends while munching on great things!!

5. I have been having so much fun working on things for teaching! Here's a peak at what I have finished! Go {HERE} to find out how to win "Shape" it Up!

Click the picture to go see more! 

Click the picture to go see more!

Be sure to go see 5 quick things others have been up to this week! It's one of my most favorite linky parties! :)


  1. I love Panera Bread, yum. Those shower things are soooo cute. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess

  2. Looks like you're hosting a super cute baby shower... Your decorations look great! Ugh, I love David Shannon books & so do the kiddos every year.

    Lovely Literacy & More

  3. Looks like you've been busy! Those units look adorable!
