
Friday, March 1, 2013


OHMIWORD! Can you believe it's March already?? Wasn't Christmas just yesterday?! I don't know about you, but I am counting down the days until Spring Break! I can't wait for that week off.  I am in need of some relaxation!

I'm FINALLY linking up with Farley from Oh'Boy 4th Grade for her CURRENTLY par-tay! Ya'll, it is a party.  I have sat on the side of the dance floor since last July and am finally deciding to join in on the linky fun! I have really enjoyed reading many people's CURRENTLYS so I'm excited to do my own. :)

Listening- Frio, our 1 1/2 year old German Shorthaired (is that one word??) Pointer does NOT stop walking or running through the house...ever. It's like he is always nervous! He paces like crazy! He loves to play fetch with anyone.  It ALWAYS involves running through the house!

Loving- Ya'll, I love me some Duck Dynasty! My husband does a GREAT impression of them all.  AND we are going to see Jase this summer at some fancy schmancy bank thing for my husband! I CAN'T. WAIT.

Thinking-I usually do not finish math units to share on TpT until after I have used them and I am reflecting back on what I would do differently.  I want to try to work ahead and get everything together for a new unit.  Next week it's 3D figures.

Wanting- I want a pedicure so badly....mainly because I want a leg and foot massage.  I just danced with 6 year olds for 2 hours at our school dance. I am so sore! This is such a first world want.  I am being reminded of how silly my wants are lately. It's a good thing!

Needing- Frio, our dog, loves to look out the windows behind the curtains.  Problem.....we have white curtains in our bedroom.  They are now brown from the dirt and yuck on his mouth as he uses his head to push back the curtains. Can you say, GROSS!?!?

Like, Love, Hate- like avocados because they make guacamole, love the Aggies because I bleed maroon and HEART my university!, hate accounting...and anything having to do with number crunching.  {no lie, my math fact skills have improved greatly since teaching 1st grade and grading math facts on a daily basis}

NOW, YOUR turn! Hop on over and link up with this AWESOME party!

{CLICK HERE} to go!


  1. I'm so glad you joined the party! I have a 14month old pup who never stops and he too likes to lookout our windows.

  2. YES! On the pedicure! I am sooo ready for Spring and toes!
    Cute blog design!

  3. Duck Dynasty is one of the most ridiculously hilarious shows I have ever seen!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  4. Oh, I'd love a pedicure! But it needs to warm up here in snow country before I put money into it...homemade ones for now!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  5. We have a 14 month English bulldog who is super active! He's constantly running, playing, joying out! And pedicure... yeah I NEED one of those badly!! BADLY!!

    Mathematically yours,

  6. I have a math unit I should be working on right now. Oh well....

  7. Yay! You joined the currently awesomeness! I need a pedicure, too! I'll just add that to my LONG list of to-dos. lol

    Have a fabulous weekend, Amanda! :)

  8. I'm definitely wanting a pedicure too! Well....needing is probably a more appropriate word at this point....haha

    I found your blog through the currently--I'm your newest follower! Please feel free to stop by if you get a chance!


    The Quirky Apple
    Sparkly, Quirky Lifebox
