
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Retells!

I'm a little late in posting about this, but I still wanted to share what we did a couple of weeks ago.  We are definitely in a great routine with our reading block of time and I finally feel like my friends are moving and grooving with what I'm teaching!  I just wanted to show you how we did retelling. We worked on the concept in various formats.  We focused on story elements, transitional words, and beginning, middle, and end. 

This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas read alouds.  It has a very easy-to-identify problem.  I have learned over the last 4 years of teaching (so many years of experience, right?! HA!) that problem and solution are the most difficult for my friends to identify. 

We also read The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever and used Amy Lemons' graphic organizer from her Christmas Craze pack. LOVE it! She's a Texas gal (I could go on and on about her!) and that means she is aligned to TEKS! WAHOO!

We also read Santa Duck and retold the story using another retell foldable, but this time with transitional words.  Ya'll know how much I love foldables.

We ended our week with doing Amy Lemons'  beginning, middle, and end retell present craftivity! I didn't snap any pictures, but you can see what I'm talking about in her pack preview. My kiddos loved it!

All of my foldables are available in my Winter Wonderland Literacy pack.