
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Solids and Liquids

This week we learned about solids changing to liquids and liquids changing to solids!

We used pop-ice and discussed their properties. They easily saw that it was a liquid as I busted one ALL over my pants!! The worst part was that it was RIGHT  before an assembly.  It even turned my seat cushion blue! The kids were so shocked and were watching my every move to see how I reacted. Unforgettable small moment that I will soon write about with them! :)

2 packs of 24 crayons. 

Add some heat for about 15 minutes or more. 

Watch the crayons melt!!

After ours melted, our crayons they look not as pretty. I had to hot glue them to the canvas. 

We journaled about our discoveries, too.  We made our science foldables and then glued them into our awesome journals! (Which I am LOVING!!, but hating when it comes to grading them.  I can't bring home all those journals to grade.  They are too heavy!)

This week, as we worked on building our scarecrows, my friends had to write about a "fun time" for our CSCOPE assessment.  I'll leave you with this writing.  Does it sound like "fun" to you?? :) It made me giggle  A LOT!

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