
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Looney Late Nights! {alliteration}

I don't know what my deal is but I just haven't made it bed before 11 p.m. every night this week!  It's just crazy! The wonderful thing is that I haven't been tired while at work.  I'm sure it will hit me some time soon.

This week has been really busy.  I just feel like I do NOT have enough time in my day to get everything done.  Every day this week something got cut.  One day writer's workshop, the next reader's workshop, the next social studies.  It was like it just snowballed! But since math is first in my day, it ALWAYS gets done.  I don't know what our deal is this year.  Any one else feel this way??

I introduced alliteration with Alliteration Annie!

We watched a short 3 minute movie clip through our district video database, then we discussed alliteration more.  I used peoples' names that had alliteration to introduce it.  Then we added words. Ryan Richardson runs. You get the point!

We made an anchor chart together as we brainstormed with friends from our class. (which I forgot to take a picture of! So coming soon....)

After making our anchor chart, we made Silly Soup. They all turned out so cute and the kids had a FUN time brainstorming and making them.  Here is mine on chart paper.

We used things from my new Silly Soup mini-unit as we learned about alliteration! 
(click the picture to head over to my TpT store and use it in your classroom!)

As we continued to talk about distant past, past, and present, we also discussed qualities of good citizens from the distant past and then related it to someone from the present.
(Pay no attention do my brain fart and spelling kindergarTen incorrectly.  Maybe it's correct, but I spell it with a "t" always....except this time, clearly!)

In reader's workshop this week we talked about 2 big things: Reader's make movies in their minds as they read then correct those movies as they read, and reader's anticipate words in books!  We made this anchor chart before reading about George Washington---which then led us to completing his flap on our flap book.  :) 

Happy weekend to you all!! The Aggies played a whole game today so we are extra happy! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Your Silly Soup is sooooo cute! I also love the distant past, past, present ideas for anchor charts. Thanks for sharing!

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher
