
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tracking Data and Sight Word Superheroes!

I am SO excited to share with you my Sight Word Superhero pack!  In our district, we are required to track and post data.  Each student keeps their own data folder and the students have to be able to get them out and explain them if anyone walks in and asks them.  Sometimes, this is a bit much for a 6 or 7 year old. Last year we tracked sight words and their reading level. The students didn't keep a sheet on sight word data.  When they moved up a reading level, they got to sign a poster.  In their data folder, they were allowed to then color that book to represent that they had "mastered" that level.  Those books were now a "good fit" for them. They really did love it and it was simple for them to understand!

This year I wanted to add to that.  As you know, we are going to track our fluency with my Fluency Races.  I also wanted to track sight word knowledge, but in a FUN way! A way that would motivate them! When I saw this post, I knew I had to come up with something! I knew I needed to follow Treasures, which is our adoption.  I don't use them for much, but I do use them to help in introducing sight words.  I asses my students on the 6 weeks sight words every Friday during computer lab.  The kiddos are busy, quiet, and I am able to quickly work 1-on-1 with each kiddo.  So, with all of this in mind....following Treasures sequence, sticking with my normal assessing routine, and making it FUN for the kiddos, I created THIS!


This little pack includes:

• 1 binder cover
• 1 set of Kindergarten sight words (smart start)
• 6 sets of 1st grade sight words (aligned with TexasTreasures)
• 7 Superhero certificates
• 7 sight word tracking sheets for the teacher
• 7 wall labels (one per level)
• 7 Superheroes to earn

Here are a few pictures of mine all cut up, organized, and ready for the first week of school! 

It is all organized inside my binder. 

I have the certificates printed on various colors of card stock (they don't coordinate with the card colors) and the super heros ready to just cut one out and hand them to a super sight word reader!  Behind each divider are a class set of data pages per sight word set. 

My sight words are cut out and organized in the rings.  I will need one ring per six weeks.  The red cards are a kindergarten review. 

These are the wall labels! I know, they don't match my binder or my bright colored cards, but they will be on my walls and they match my classroom color scheme! :) 

If you like it and you think your little ones will really enjoy it, then you can grab it here!

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