
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Techie Teacher Tips!

I'm linking up today with Blog Hoppin' again! I am really excited about today because I enjoy technology.

Here are a few Tech Tips that I want to share with you.

1. iPods for my classroom are WONDERFUL! This is how I store mine.  Each notecard box has an iTouch and then each child's headphones who will use that iTouch.  I have a set of 6.  (right now, they are still turned in to our tech teacher.) Each iTouch is assigned to a group of 3 or 4 students.  Each student has it for an assigned day.  When they finish their work early, they get to use the iTouch.  When  they are at literacy stations, they get to use an iTouch to do their work (we rotate through the Daily 5, but only do 3 a day.  Daily 5-ish!) During math time, I do a rotation and iTouches are a rotation.  Everyone shares the touches during this time, but each student still has to use the one assigned to them.

2. This Running Record app!! It calculates everything for you in an instant.  All you have to do is press start and take your running record.  When the child is done reading, you press stop, then enter in the information.  It does all of the calculations for you! Grab it FO FREE and use it! I can't wait to use it this year!!

3. Mr. Harry's Kindergarten.  Ladies and gents, this guy has got. it. going. on! Even though we are 1st grade, we use his songs ALL the time! The kids LOVE them! I teach kids who love raps and he has quite a few. We watch at least one a week.  Check him out on You Tube hereThis was our favorite one last year! We learned it at the beginning of the year and sang it all. year. long. No lie!

Be sure and check out all of the other Techie Teacher Tips!

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