
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School Par-Tay!

I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with back to school tasks already.  Is anyone else feeling the same way? It's a mixture between "AHHH! My summer is almost over!!" and "I can't wait to get my classroom decorated!" and "Oh, that's a fabulous new idea.  How do I make sure I do that this year?".  SO MUCH to do, my friends! So much to do!

So, I'm linking up with Fun in First Grade to check out other back to school activities and to share my favorite back to school activity.

 One of my favorites is the back to school magnet!  You can read more about it.  Also, hop over and check out the other back to school activities.  New ideas are always loads of fun! Click the picture to take a trip!

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